Happy World Oceans Day!

“We are tied to the ocean. And when we go back to the sea, whether it is to sail or to watch – we are going back from whence we came.”    -John F. Kennedy

Today the California State Division of Boating & Waterways/CA Coastal Commission wishes the Bay Area a Happy World Oceans Day! They are asking us to celebrate our oceans and waterways by making a bigger commitment to protect our environment. Here are some reminders you can share with your friends:

Love your San Francisco Bay, local lakes, rivers and the Pacific Ocean.

▪ Refuse polystyrene foam (Styrofoam) items.
▪ Refuse plastic straws and stirrers; use compostable or pasta stirrers.
▪ Invest in reusable coffee mugs and water bottles instead of disposable cups.
▪ Refuse the use of disposable plastic. Implement a No-Plastic house rule at home, at your office, at events and parties.
▪ Keep cigarette butts off streets and beaches.
▪ Become a leader. Encourage your friends to adopt “green” habits.
▪ Take Part in CA Coastal Cleanup Day or Adopt-A-Beach event. More information.
▪ Use less stuff and make careful consumer choices.
▪ Avoid personal care products containing microbeads.* Look for plastic listed in the ingredients: polypropylene, polyethylene, polyethylene terephthalate or polymethyl methacrylate.
▪ Anglers: Properly dispose of fishing lines, nets and hooks. Recycle your fishing line. Participate in an effort to make portable fishing line containers from reused materials and distribute them to the fishing community.

Ginger, Ginger’s World, found peace at the ocean

*According to Stuff, microbeads are tiny pieces of plastic used in personal care products. They are designed to go down the drain and into our bays, lakes, rivers and oceans. Some claim by the billions every day. They absorb toxins in the water, are eaten by marine life, and can make their way up the food chain all the way to our dinner plates. Learn more at Stuff Project.

SF on the Bay partners with organizations that are trying to protect our waterways. More information here.

More about Ginger’s World.